Ibutamoren (MK-677)

Molecular formula: C27-H36-N4-O5-S

Molar Mass: 528,662 g/mol

PubChem (CID): 9939050

Purity (HPLC): 98,6%

Serving Size: 1 Capsule

Servings Per Container: 30/60

Amount Per Serving: MK-677 - 25 mg

Ibutamoren (laboratory code MK-677, MK-0677) is a non-peptide agonist of ghrelin receptors of a long-term effectiveness that stimulates the secretion of the growth hormone. It is the most potent stimulator of the growth hormone currently and it is being used as a potential method for the treatment of deficit of the growth hormone among children and elderly people.

The clinical studies have shown that the dosage of 20-30 mg is compared with the injection administration method of the growth hormone. After the oral usage of the dosage of 25 mg, Ibutamoren produces the average peak concentration of the growth hormone that equals to 22.1 mcg/l. Ibutamoren can be used as an additional therapy of some catabolic conditions while using orally during a short period of time. The drug can totally alter the catabolism of protein caused by the dietary limitation of calories (the volume of stimulation of the growth hormone is sufficient for improvement of nitrogen balance).

It should be mentioned that high dosages of the drug cause higher levels of the peak concentration of the growth hormone. Ibutamoren maintains the plasma level of the growth hormone, therefore, it is produced on equal levels.

Ibutamoren strengthens the secretion of the growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1, wherein not increasing the cortisol level and enhance lipolyses and is being used for treating obesity and complications associated with it.

Ibutamoren stimulates the production of the growth hormone which has a great positive effect on the organism.

The results of the Ibutamoren usage:

  • Increases the level of the growth hormone in the organism.
  • Increases lean muscle mass.
  • Increases the level of IGF-1.
  • Increases the bone mineral density.
  • Reduces fat deposits.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Overall health improvement.

The drug effectiveness does not depend on the gender, age or other indicators.

The drug does not consume any side effects. Its operability is felt on such grounds like numbness of arms and fingers and slackness that are inherent to increased level of the growth hormone.

For research purposes only.

Ibutamoren 30 caps Ibutamoren 60 caps